Customer Support
Focused on Customer Satisfaction
- Investment in a customer relationship management philosophy
- Ensuring a high degree of customer satisfaction
- Supportive of customers strategic goals
- Management and oversight of customers' needs
- Offering solution-oriented communications
- Monitor and provide continuous project metrics
- Customer Account Representatives to handle customer issues or new needs of customers
- Customer Focus Workgroups for Financial Management customers to facilitate greater communication for day-to-day operations
- Provide Strategic Financial Enterprise (SFE) meetings 3 times a year as an open forum for strategic conversation with customer executives collectively
- Provide a newsletter in-between SFEs for strategic project updates
ESC's Customer Support Services Model
The Customer Account Representative serves as the liaison to coordinate and communicate customer inquiries or concerns with the Financial Services and Information & Digital Services areas for items that fall outside the scope of the customer's interaction with the ESC Service Desk and/or the Customer Focus Work Group forum.
Customer Account representatives schedule regular meetings with customers. The ESC Director and the ESC Customer Account Representative meet with the customer to discuss issues, upcoming news, etc.