Blood Can’t Wait
Vol.6 Issue 3
Ron Black, Oklahoma Blood Institute

The need for blood donations is constant – whether it be is platelets for infants who are born without the clotting factor in their blood, or the cancer patient receiving chemotherapy who needs red cell replacement, or the burn victim needing the healing elements of plasma, the need is an everyday issue. There is no replacement for blood; hip joints can be replaced, elbows can be replaced, but there is no artificial equivalent for blood.

The Oklahoma Blood Institute (OBI) provides life-saving and life-extending blood products to over 95% of all the hospitals in the state of Oklahoma. Without our committed volunteer donor base, patients in our local hospitals would be in danger. OBI’s dedicated and loyal volunteer donor base has been able to meet needs since the late 1970’s, making OBI one of the largest, self-sufficient, non-profit blood banks in the country. Even during tragedies and pandemics such as what we’re experiencing now, OBI and its phenomenal donor base will continue to meet needs as they arise.

Ron Black from the Oklahoma Blood Institute stated, "Almost two years ago, were it not for dedicated donors, I would have died. During a transplant operation, I needed over 50 units of blood products to survive, and today I am an advocate for blood donation as well as a staff member of OBI."

Donations are still needed during the current crisis and there are various ways for people to donate. Below is a link that donors can utilize to find mobile blood drives in multiple zip codes, or to locate one of our fixed donor centers.

Donors can call 1-877-340-8777 to schedule an appointment.

OBI has vital information regarding blood donation and the COVID-19 virus.

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