Being Engaged in the Workplace Offers Health Benefits
Vol.5 Issue 8
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On November 4th and 5th, 676 employees from the FAA Academy (AMA), the Enterprise Services Center (AMK) and the Office of Facilities Management (AMP) attended one of five ninety-minute sessions in the headquarters auditorium. Each session was presented by professional consultants, Al Winseman and Colton Agee, both from the Gallup Corporation.

In the summer of 2019 the AMC Employee Engagement Committee realized they had provided multiple sessions for supervisory employees on the AMC Employee Engagement survey (Q12) and the principles of employee engagement, however, non-supervisory employees had not received similar training. The committee wanted non-supervisory employees to have a clear understanding of employee engagement, and why employee engagement is important to them. In order to encourage maximum attendance in the sessions, the committee recommended that the training be mandatory for all non-supervisory employees.

The training focused on understanding the importance of employee engagement and measuring employee engagement using Gallup’s Q12 survey. For example, Gallup’s research has shown that high levels of employee engagement in an organization drives successful business results. However, benefits of having a highly engaged workforce are not limited to organizational performance. A Gallup study focused on employee health showed that engaged workers have lower levels of stress, anxiety and bad cholesterol.

Example of results conveyed using the Mentimeter application.
Results from the audience using the Mentimeter application.

To obtain immediate feedback and encourage interaction with the audience, AMC-3 used the "Mentimeter" application. Mentimeter is an app that allows groups to provide immediate, real-time feedback via their smartphone. Of the 676 employees, about 35% opted to use Mentimeter to provide feedback on the training. The results were overwhelmingly positive. About 77% Agreed or Strongly Agreed that the information presented increased understanding of the Q12 survey, and 79% said it increased understanding of employee engagement overall. The audience seemed to like the presenter, enjoyed using Mentimeter, saying the sessions were informative, and several commented that it was good to have an explanation of the question "I have a best friend at work." Suggestions for improvement generally focused on making the session a little shorter. Some commented that it would be good to require supervisors to attend, however, as mentioned earlier all managers and supervisors have attended more in-depth training that lasted about 5 hours, so managers were not required to attend this training.

A make-up session for those that were unable to attend one of the Nov 4 or 5 sessions will be offered in the Spring of 2020.

Gallup’s Al Winseman provides training on the Q12 Survey.

Gallup’s Colton Agee provides training about the Q12 Survey on day two.
Sheree VanNoy from Quality Systems and Business Resources Staff (AMC-3) facilitates an audience feedback session using
Audience members use Mentimeter to provide immediate feedback to questions during the Q12 training.
Wide Angle photo of Q12 training in MMAC’s HQ Auditorium.
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