April 13th, 2024 went down in history as one of the most beautiful LitterBlitz mornings on record. At 9:00 a.m., under a cloudless sky, it was 64 degrees and volunteers were ready for their initial safety briefing. The ground was not too wet and though winds were 13 mph from the south, volunteers used the wind (Oklahoma-style) to keep their trash bags open.
There were about 26 volunteers (including friends and family) from the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center (MMAC) and about 21 students from Western Heights High School who showed up to help beautify the local area near the Center. Volunteers were issued bright colored safety vests, nitrile gloves, hand sanitizer, trash grabbers and large trash bags.
Bryan Dahlvang organized the event with OKC Beautiful, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that is dedicated to improving the beauty and environment of Oklahoma City. The roadsides near the Aeronautical Center proved to be a good location for beautification, because volunteers collectively gathered over 50 bags of trash this year.
The LitterBlitz program saves taxpayer dollars because of volunteer efforts. During the event, each volunteer who filled a large trash bag would tie it up and leave it beside the road. Bryan Dahlvang and Sheree VanNoy (both from AMC-3) would then collect the bags and move them to a centralized location, (near SW 89th Street and MacArthur Boulevard). On Monday, following the LitterBlitz event, Bryan contacted the Oklahoma City Beautiful office, who notified sanitation crews to collect the large pile of bags.
A fun part of this annual event is learning what most people found along the roadsides. Unfortunately, there were a lot of bottles, cans, cups and plastic bags. Additionally, some found saw blades, tobacco containers, and chocolate milk bottles.
Melody Godwin, Human Resources Specialist from AHF-S320, commented, "My dad and I have done this together three times and we always look forward to it. I cleaned up starting at the south gate and found lots of plastic bags, but most interestingly a really nice pocketknife that I brought home for my husband."
Nicholas Risi, Supervisory Contract Specialist from AAQ-720, brought his 8th grader and a classmate friend with his dad. They brought the kids to get some National Junior Honors Society (NJHS) service points. "It was indeed a great morning," Nic said. "I was surprised how much we found between the gate and 74th and MacArthur. The common item we were laughing about were 12oz bottles of chocolate milk."
Steven Dowding, Management and Program Analyst III from AJW-L532, found mostly caffeine related empty cans and empty tobacco containers. He asked, "Why not just use a trashcan once you get to work?" Steven also enjoyed encountering one of the largest rat snakes he’s ever seen, near the airport’s fence line on South MacArthur. Rat snakes are virtuously harmless to humans, and play an important role in reducing the rodent population of the ecosystem.
MMAC Deputy Director Kevin O’Connor and his wife also volunteered their time to clean up the area. He states, "It was a beautiful day and my wife and I enjoyed the event! We’ll try to make it again next year!"
Needless to say, a great day was had by all. Special thanks to all the MMAC Volunteers and friends of MMAC for their environmental stewardship.