The AMC Employee Engagement Survey Says…
Vol.9 Issue 2
Employee Engagement Survey words on paper tablet with calculator

Employee Engagement at AMC continues to be higher than 99% of other government organizations in the Gallup Inc. database. A total of 883 employees (85% of our workforce) completed the survey which was conducted between January 24th and February 10th. Our grand mean score went from 4.19 to 4.29, which is amazing considering that the top score is a 5. But one of the most impressive numbers from this survey is the number of engaged employees vs. the actively disengaged. In the 2022 survey, we had 7.4 engaged employees for everyone actively disengaged employee; In the 2023 survey, we had 11 engaged for everyone actively disengaged. This is outstanding, and certainly explains why AMC organizations continue to provide exceptional customer support, and the continual improvement in key performance indicators.

MMAC’s Q12 Engagement Survey results. A comparison of the Center’s engagement in FY 2016 vs FY 2023.

Incredible progress in the area of engagement, has been made over the past five years at the Aeronautical Center. With the growth of an Employee Engagement Committee and various organized activities, the Center represents an astonishing success story. The graphic below demonstrates the results of past Q12 surveys, showing the Center’s engagement in FY2016 compared to FY2023.

The survey results are now available to all supervisors in the Gallup Automated on-line tool, provided that each team had at least 5 surveys completed. Your supervisor can download the report for your team and the action planning can begin. Even though we had overall high scores, each team can identify opportunities for improvement and make it easier for the team to meet organizational performance goals. This year the action plans will move to center stage.

Beginning in April, each directorate will be asked to share some of their team’s action plans with other AMC organizations so we can highlight what is being done by the teams to drive even higher levels of employee engagement in AMC, AMA, AMK and AMP organizations. Our FedView results have also improved, and Headquarters AFN has been asking AMC-1 how increases were achieved. One of the primary drivers has been the Employee Engagement Survey and how it has helped us focus on employee engagement and to involve workers at the team level, in making improvements regarding how the team functions.

We believe an engaged workforce is the key to our continued success, and we will continue to create an environment where employee engagement can flourish.

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