Now Is a Good Time to Give Back
Vol.8 Issue 9
Give Back

With just a few weeks left in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), it’s the perfect time to give back to a charity that touches your heart. There are many organizations within our community, our nation, and globally that support a variety of causes, helping to change lives and make a difference.

There are many benefits to giving. Your donations can cause new programs to be developed; it can cause the change of a life for someone in need; by giving, you can inspire other people to make a difference through leading by example; if you have children, your donations can teach them to become generous human beings, and when you donate, according to Forbes, you’re likely to feel wealthier, healthier and happier. So, instead of spending money on yourself, feel what it’s like to help someone else as an alternative. In the book, Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending, authors Dunn and Norton reinforce that individuals who spend $5 on someone else, report being happier than those who spend $20 on themselves. Giving back, actually rewards the giver.

So as the 2022 Combined Federal Campaign comes to a close, the Aeronautical Center employees have donated $135,752 which is close to reaching the annual goal of $220,000. The deadline for giving to this year’s campaign is January 14, 2023. Please consider giving whatever you can to a cause that is important to you.

Remember, it doesn’t take a whole lot to make a difference in your own life or in the life of someone else.

To give, visit:

You can give via a one-time donation, a payroll deduction, or by using the CFC Mobile App, and you can volunteer your time with a designated charity.

CFC 2022: You can be the Face of Change
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