Vol.6 Issue 6

How much do you really know about your Leave and Earning Statement (LES)? Did you realize that you are responsible for the information that is on it? The LES information is easily accessed anytime using Employee Express. It provides more information than simply your net pay. You can and should verify all information on your LES, but a few line items to pay attention to are your benefits information.

Deductions chart

In the Deductions block of your LES, you can verify your: Federal Employee Health Benefit (FEHB), Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), Federal Employee Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) and Retirement Plan information. Using this example, let’s see how we can verify that your enrollments are correct.

  1. FEHB: This section represents your Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB). In this example, the enrollment is in Health Plan 113, Blue Cross/Blue Shield Basic Self Plus One. You can check this against the SF-2809 you submitted to enroll in an FEHB plan. The code ’ZZX’ means pending and ’ZZY’ means waived.

  2. TSP: This section represents the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). In this example, 59.07 is deducted each pay period (this does not include the agency matching). You can calculate how much should be deducted based upon your gross income for the pay period and the percentage you elected or based upon a specific dollar amount. New employees are automatically enrolled in 3% deduction but can increase, reduce or stop deductions at any time.

  3. FEGLI: This section represents the Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (FEGLI). In the example, the enrollment is basic only and is annotated as FEGLI – Regular. Note: If you elected additional coverage, there would be an additional line item for each option. Example

    FEGLI – Optional if you selected Option A - Standard
    FEGLI – Additional if you selected a multiple under Option B - Additional
    FEGLI – Family if you selected a multiple under Option C – Family

  4. Retirement Plan:

    If you are in the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) and (entered federal service on or before 12/31/12 – and are vested) your deduction will be .8%; Air Traffic deduction is 1.3%.

    If you are in FERS / Revised Annuity Employees (RAE) and (entered federal service between 1/1/13 – 12/31/13 – and are vested) your deduction will be 3.1%; Air Traffic deduction is 3.6%.

    If you are in FERS / Further Revised Annuity Employees (FRAE) and (entered federal service on or after 1/1/14) your deduction is 4.4%; Air Traffic deduction is 4.9%.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Benefits Operations Center (BOC) at 1-855-322-2363.

Paycheck and Benefits

A Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) is a comprehensive statement of an employee's leave and earnings showing entitlements, deductions, allotments, leave information, tax withholding information and benefits paid by the government. Your most recent LES can be found 24 hours a day on Employee Express.

Your pay is your responsibility, we recommend that you verify and keep your LES each pay period. If your pay varies significantly and you don't understand why, or if you have any questions after reading this publication, call the Customer Support Center at 303-969-7732, 1-800-662-4324, or 1-888-367-1622.

Deductions chart
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