Safety is Our Passion
Vol.4 Issue 4
MMAC Safety Stand Down. Safety is our passion.

If you haven’t already noticed, the Office of Facility Management (AMP) provides weekly safety topics to employees to reinforce the FAA value; “Safety is Our Passion.” These weekly topics are created by AMP personnel and are shared with the MMAC Center Management Team. Each brief article covers a different topic each week and managers usually share the topic with personnel during their staff meetings. If you’re not already doing so, we encourage you to share the weekly safety message with your entire organization in a focused effort toward continual improvement of our safety culture across the Center.

The most common topic area relates to trip, slip and fall prevention or traffic safety. Here are some examples of the weekly messages:

Be mindful, when driving in Aeronautical Center parking lots.
  1. Most MMAC vehicle incidents occur when backing out of parking spaces or within our parking lots. Parking lot incidents are the most common from 3-4pm. Try these backing techniques to encourage safe vehicle operations:
    1. Drive slowly and use directional signals - the MMAC speed limit for parking lots is 10 MPH
    2. Stay in traffic lanes and avoid cutting across lots
    3. Watch for pedestrians that may be distracted or dash across the lane
    4. Anticipate the actions of other drivers
    5. Obey stop signs and no-parking signs

  2. Strains and sprains were the primary factor in 34 OSHA recordable MMAC incidents since 2011.
    A detailed overview for 12 quick stretches

  3. The most common type of trip hazard in our facilities is related to a change in floor surface. To keep from falling for it… pay attention to your surroundings – especially at transition areas from tile to carpet.

Just a reminder, texting and walking is not a good combination.

The weekly articles are meant to encourage awareness of safety topics in general and improve the MMAC safety culture. They are tied to either a recent incident, timely topic, or employee reported issue. The MMAC electronic signs reinforce the messages with a visual representation of the topics. An overview of each message is also posted to the MMAC EOSH KSN, with a specific call-to-action related to each topic.

The weekly “Safety is Our Passion” topics

For more details or if you have an idea that you would like to be featured as a safety topic, please contact Stephanie Schroeder at 405-954-0371.

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