Training Around MMAC (TARMAC)
Vol.10 Issue 5
Training Around MMAC

IT Training Power Hour Webinar Series – One Session Remaining

The FAA’s Office of Information & Technology (AIT) is pleased to present the IT Training Power Hour Webinar Series to help you discover, learn, and love the software suite available to FAA personnel. The lectures cover topics such as how to obtain services and assistance from AIT, data visualization software from Tableau and Microsoft, productivity and collaboration tools from Adobe, and advice on working remotely. Several sessions demonstrate how to use these technologies in concert to maximize their potential. For more information visit their website. The final session is "Exploring Power-BI: Visualizing Actionable Data". This session will take place on Thursday, June 13th. Visit the website for more information and for an Outlook calendar invite.

Social media symbol hashtag in a chat bubble

FAA Social Media Comment Policy

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) participates in social media to engage with individuals and organizations about topics related to the FAA’s mission of aviation safety.

As an FAA Employee, you are responsible for reading and understanding this policy, as well as complying with the rules and guidelines in the DOT Social Media Policy (PDF).

PRISM Zoom Instructor-Led Training June 2024

The PRISM team hosts online Instructor-Led Training for NEW USERS and Users needing a REFRESHER course. To register for the training courses, please email the course name, date, and time to Tomeka Edwords & Jane Chou. Registration is required before attending. Once registered, you must attend the entire session (the instructors will take attendance). After completing the course, all attendees will receive a PRISM Training Certificate as proof of course completion.

PRISM PCARD REQUISTIONER/HOLDER TRAINING: Please register for only one session:
June 11th – 9 am-2 pm EST
June 13th (REFRESHER TRAINING/ Q&A) – 1 pm -3 pm EST (No training certificate)
June 25th – 10 am – 3 pm EST

REQUISITION TRAINING: - Please register for only one session
June 11th – 9 am -12 pm EST (Session #1)
June 11th – 1:00 pm-4 pm EST (Session #2)
June 12th (REFRESHER TRAINING/ Q&A) – 1 pm -3 pm EST - (No training certificate)

ACCEPTANCE TRAINING: - Please register for only one session
June 12th – 9:30 am – 12 pm EST (Session #1)
June 12th – 1:30 pm- 4 pm EST (Session #2)

BUYER/CO TRAINING: (Attendees must attend the entire course to receive credit)
June 24th – June 25th – 9:30 am-4 pm EST

Happy individual participating in training on a laptop computer

Mandatory Training

In addition to annual mandatory training assigned for all employees, there are additional trainings and different due dates for each employee for various types of training. Each employee is responsible for logging into eLMS and ensuring that training requirements are being met.

Below is a partial list of upcoming mandatory training and due dates.

FY24 DOT Cybersecurity & Privacy Awareness Training (SAT) (FAA30202916)
Audience:    All FAA employees and contractors, including Executives
Due Date:    6/30/2024

Records Management 101 (FAA30200806)
Audience:    All FAA Managers and Employees
Due Date:    9/30/2024 *New Employees within 90 days of onboarding

No Fear Act of 2002 and Whistleblower Protection Laws (FAA30200003)
Audience:    All FAA employees, including Executives
Due Date:    12/7/2024

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