Third Time is a Charm as AsCEnD Cohort 3 Kicks-Off
Vol.10 Issue 5
Aeronautical Center Employee Development

The third cohort of the Aeronautical Center Employee Development Program (AsCEnD) is off to an excellent start. The AsCEnD program is a competitive seven-month, in-person employee development program for non-supervisory employees. Its goal is to develop MMAC ambassadors, heighten employee engagement, and advance professionalism and self-awareness.

Session one was kicked off in April with a warm welcome and facility overview by Center Director Michelle Coppedge, Deputy Director Kevin O’Connor, and Chief of Staff Kim Sheppard. The group then took part in an entertaining ice-breaker activity, had lunch together at the Blue Sky Café, and then received an FAA Logistics Center overview. After the briefing, the group spent the afternoon visiting various areas of the Logistics Support Facility and Technical Support Facility buildings.

Session two, held in May, was spent touring several FAA Academy buildings across the Center. The group had the opportunity to climb inside an ASR-11 radar. The group was also treated to time in one of the Academy’s flight simulators, which are also known as Advanced Aviation Training Devices (AATD). At the end of the session, five cohort members gave positive feedback on the program through recorded video testimonials via members of the AMC-003 Communications Team.

Session three in June will consist of a professional development day at the Transportation Safety Institute, utilizing an Outward Performance course. This course addresses the source of organizational dysfunction, interpersonal conflict, organizational silos, and poor morale. There will be more developmental opportunities for the group throughout the remainder of the calendar year.

AsCEnD program manager Debbie Uglean states, "I really enjoy witnessing the members of the cohort learning something new about their workplace and how they fit into our mission, engaging in networking, and building those important, meaningful connections with each other!"

For more information on the AsCEnD program and the program’s application process, please contact Debbie Uglean

AsCEnD members of Cohort 3 climbed inside of a Radome on the Center

AsCEnD cohort 3 members receive an overview about power engine generators
AsCEnD cohort 3 learning about how radar systems affect air traffic
AsCEnD members enjoyed taking turns flying the Academy’s aircraft simulators
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