As required by FAA Orders require, the Enterprise Services Center (ESC) participates in risk safety and environmental inspections. The purpose of these inspections is to ensure that safe and healthful working conditions are maintained within the ESC and comply with all applicable environmental regulations and FAA environmental policies.
Deann Crowley, an employee in the ESC’s Business and Resource Support Office(AMK-020), leads and coordinates safety compliance within ESC and has served in this capacity for 15 years. Deann works diligently with ESC Organizations to mitigate findings and identify risks from a safety and environmental perspective. Deann continually educates employees and managers through monthly safety inspection checklists, a process she implemented several years ago. The safety inspection checklist helps ESC employees stay on target, conduct root cause analysis, and make improvements whenever needed. Training posters and emails notify employees of concerns, needs, and improvements. The ESC maintains a KSN site with safety-related materials for employees to access anytime. ESC also participates in monthly, quarterly, and yearly internal and external audits, including management review meetings. Targets and objectives are reviewed and documented for such meetings.
Deann’s efforts in creating a safe and healthful working environment have helped ESC achieve a ’no findings’ inspection during the last quarter of 2023 and ’no recordable incidents’ in 2022. The global health crisis created a challenging safety situation for those working at the Center and working from home. Deann’s leadership during the pandemic has been critical to the ESC’s safety in such challenging times.