Recently the Enterprise Services Center (ESC) moved from an Oracle Discoverer reporting tool to a more robust business intelligence and analytics software, allowing users to run, modify, and create their own reports and dashboards. This tool allows for the creation of visualizations such as charts and graphs that are useful for management, and provides transactional reporting for end users.
The Enterprise Data Delivery Solution (EDDS-Denodo) was implemented to replace the Discoverer data extract functionality. Denodo is a tool used to provide Delphi data to the ESC’s customer systems, allowing data to be retrieved in real-time via data visualization. Joel Askland of the Federal Highway Administration expressed, "Since the sunset of the Discoverer and the deployment of Denodo on October 1st, we have streamlined and automated validation, and synchronized our Fact and Dimensional tables with Delphi. This enhancement significantly improves the timeliness and accuracy of data alignment between Delphi and the Federal Lands Data Warehouse."
The Enterprise Transaction Reporting Solutions (ETRS-SplashBI) was implemented to replace the Discoverer standard and ad hoc reporting. SplashBI is now the ad hoc reporting tool for Delphi. Delphi data that was previously available from Discoverer is now available in SplashBI. This tool is used to query and analyze segments of data for use in financial reporting. Askland comments, "As of October 1st, the Enterprise Service Center phased out the use of Discoverer and accomplished the successful conversion of the entire Federal Lands Discoverer Library to Splash BI reporting applications within the specified deadline. Among the noteworthy features of SplashBI, is its built-in Pivot table functionality, which seamlessly transfers to Excel – a valuable asset for SplashBI Report users. While the adoption of a new application typically involves a learning curve, the comprehensive training provided by ESC has noticeably shortened this learning curve for users transitioning to SplashBI."
The Enterprise Services Center (ESC) provides vital services to keep federal agencies operational and streamlined. Working as a designated shared service provider, ESC is able to keep costs competitive due to an economy-of-scale approach. ESC offers an array of government information and digital services, and financial management to a wide range of federal agencies.