Staying Weather-Aware
Vol.7 Issue 3
Severe weather alert app

In Oklahoma, we must remain aware of weather conditions due to potential tornadoes and thunderstorms. Springtime is when severe weather is most likely to occur. Over 80% of the annual number of tornadoes happen between March through June (with nearly 40% of those happening in the month of May). While tornadoes can happen anywhere in the U.S., no place has more significant tornadoes than in Oklahoma.

When at work at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center (MMAC):
Occupant Emergency Plans (OEP) have been developed for each organization at the Aeronautical Center. The plans include information for your emergency preparedness at the Aeronautical Center. Specific items in the OEP that are relevant include:

  • Awareness of emergency evacuation procedures and emergency shelter assignments for personnel (Maps should be located in every work center – review your maps and know where to go)
  • Know the procedures to be followed by employees who remain to perform (or shut down) critical facility operations before the facility is evacuated
  • Understand the procedures of accounting for all personnel during a workplace emergency

Multiple tornadoes in an open field

Please direct any questions concerning the severe weather shelter plan to your organization’s Environmental, Occupational Safety and Health (EOSH) representative.
The current listing of MMAC EOSH representatives

In addition to monitoring severe weather that may directly affect the Aeronautical Center, severe weather conditions in and around the Oklahoma City metropolitan area (during normal business hours) are also monitored. Check the MMAC Center Status website for more information.

For information about MMAC shelter locations visit: MMAC Severe Weather Maps

When at home or elsewhere:
Make a plan and be ready before severe weather strikes. Know the area that you are visiting or living in, and what types of events are common for that location. Know where shelters, hospitals, urgent care facilities, police stations, fire stations, etc. are located. Visit the Oklahoma City Office of Emergency Management for more information .

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